Московский Казачий Хор дал праздничный концерт в честь свадьбы Николая и Яны в Москве! Любо молодым!

Artist of the Moscow Cossack Choir. The timbre of the voice is baritone. Professional musician, graduated from MGUKI. Has choral and instrumental specialization. Owns flanking Cossack saber and whip. He is the permanent host of the programs of the Moscow


Private Holidays

Amazing weddings! Unforgettable anniversaries! Merry corporate parties! Invite the Moscow Cossack Choir and your celebration will be unforgettable!

City events

May 9! Maslenitsa! February 23! New Year! March 8! The Moscow Cossack Choir will become a decoration of any holiday! The repertoire is over 100 songs!

Solo concerts

A bright concert program! “Oysya, you oysya”, “When we were at war”, “Lyubo brothers, lyubo”, “Not for me”, “Marusya”, “Katyusha” and other favorite hits!

about us


The Moscow Cossack Choir is a laureate of international, all-Russian competitions and festivals, which has earned recognition both in Russia and abroad. The collective has a unique character and sound, the performing style of which combines traditional Cossack choral singing and live instrumental accompaniment.

The performance of the collective is an incendiary and unusually bright spectacle with traditional and staged dance numbers, elements of combat, tricks with checkers and saber flanking. The concert program of the Moscow Cossack Choir allows the viewer to plunge into the depths of the traditions of the Cossack people in their songs, life and culture, thereby touching the multifaceted and richest history of Russia.



In this amazing country, the Moscow Cossack Choir has toured several times. And each time it was a tour through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which of course adds status and responsibility. Entering the stage, we understand that we represent our great culture. It is important to convey it in such a way that people understand, appreciate and fall in love with it.
India, without exaggeration, can be called one of the most picturesque countries that our team had a chance to visit. Cossacks sang both in a large concert hall and on stage overlooking the Indian Ocean.
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Huge halls for several thousand people, magnificent equipment and the most unusual audience – these are our tours to China.
The inviting party always takes a responsible approach to the organization of performances. Departure of the Moscow Cossack Choir to the Celestial Empire is a few weeks with a busy concert schedule. In each hall, in the first rows, there are important officials of the Ministry of Culture. From this, the preparation for the event on the ground is always very thorough. Sound engineers, lighting directors, administrators, translators – all work like a well-oiled mechanism.
The auditorium is always full. Our Chinese comrades are eager to sing along with our songs, and often in Russian!


Huge halls for several thousand people, magnificent equipment and the most unusual audience – these are our tours to China.
The inviting party always takes a responsible approach to the organization of performances. Departure of the Moscow Cossack Choir to the Celestial Empire is a few weeks with a busy concert schedule. In each hall, in the first rows, there are important officials of the Ministry of Culture. From this, the preparation for the event on the ground is always very thorough. Sound engineers, lighting directors, administrators, translators – all work like a well-oiled mechanism.
The auditorium is always full. Our Chinese comrades are eager to sing along with our songs, and often in Russian!


Our 2019 began with a tour of India. This is an opportunity to please the audience with Russian songs and plunge into the unique atmosphere of the country, and for the Indians, the arrival of the Russian folk ensemble (Moscow) has become a very large-scale holiday. On January 11th and 12th we performed in New Delhi, and on January 13th we had a solo concert in Calcutta. The festive event at the Russian Embassy was attended by the Ambassadors of the CIS countries, as well as officials from different countries, invited guests.

Our 2019 began with a tour of India. This is an opportunity to please the audience with Russian songs and plunge into the unique atmosphere of the country, and for the Indians, the arrival of the Russian folk ensemble (Moscow) has become a very large-scale holiday. On January 11th and 12th we performed in New Delhi, and on January 13th we had a solo concert in Calcutta. The festive event at the Russian Embassy was attended by the Ambassadors of the CIS countries, as well as officials from different countries, invited guests.

Our 2019 began with a tour of India. This is an opportunity to please the audience with Russian songs and plunge into the unique atmosphere of the country, and for the Indians, the arrival of the Russian folk ensemble (Moscow) has become a very large-scale holiday. On January 11th and 12th we performed in New Delhi, and on January 13th we had a solo concert in Calcutta. The festive event at the Russian Embassy was attended by the Ambassadors of the CIS countries, as well as officials from different countries, invited guests.

South America, the heart of the continent. Perhaps now this is the farthest flag on our tour map. This cannot be forgotten. The state guard of honor and our Cossack system in front of the grave of our White Guard emigrants.
Reception at the President of Paraguay, Mario Abdo Benitez, confidential conversation and gratitude for our visit.
Hundreds of kilometers across the Chaksky desert and a concert without translators in front of a full audience of friendly spectators who, it seems, even sang along.
Forty-house heat and “Katyusha” in front of the monument to our heroes, erected in honor of the victory in the war for the country’s independence.
Also, we will never forget the local hospitality and national cuisine, meat, which was specially prepared for us by the best cook in South America.



Our 2019 began with a tour of India. This is an opportunity to please the audience with Russian songs and plunge into the unique atmosphere of the country, and for the Indians, the arrival of the Russian folk ensemble (Moscow) has become a very large-scale holiday. On January 11th and 12th we performed in New Delhi, and on January 13th we had a solo concert in Calcutta. The festive event at the Russian Embassy was attended by the Ambassadors of the CIS countries, as well as officials from different countries, invited guests.


Our 2019 began with a tour of India. This is an opportunity to please the audience with Russian songs and plunge into the unique atmosphere of the country, and for the Indians, the arrival of the Russian folk ensemble (Moscow) has become a very large-scale holiday. On January 11th and 12th we performed in New Delhi, and on January 13th we had a solo concert in Calcutta. The festive event at the Russian Embassy was attended by the Ambassadors of the CIS countries, as well as officials from different countries, invited guests.

South America, the heart of the continent. Perhaps now this is the farthest flag on our tour map. This cannot be forgotten. The state guard of honor and our Cossack system in front of the grave of our White Guard emigrants.
Reception at the President of Paraguay, Mario Abdo Benitez, confidential conversation and gratitude for our visit.
Hundreds of kilometers across the Chaksky desert and a concert without translators in front of a full audience of friendly spectators who, it seems, even sang along.
Forty-house heat and “Katyusha” in front of the monument to our heroes, erected in honor of the victory in the war for the country’s independence.
Also, we will never forget the local hospitality and national cuisine, meat, which was specially prepared for us by the best cook in South America.

South America, the heart of the continent. Perhaps now this is the farthest flag on our tour map. This cannot be forgotten. The state guard of honor and our Cossack system in front of the grave of our White Guard emigrants.
Reception at the President of Paraguay, Mario Abdo Benitez, confidential conversation and gratitude for our visit.
Hundreds of kilometers across the Chaksky desert and a concert without translators in front of a full audience of friendly spectators who, it seems, even sang along.
Forty-house heat and “Katyusha” in front of the monument to our heroes, erected in honor of the victory in the war for the country’s independence.
Also, we will never forget the local hospitality and national cuisine, meat, which was specially prepared for us by the best cook in South America.

South America, the heart of the continent. Perhaps now this is the farthest flag on our tour map. This cannot be forgotten. The state guard of honor and our Cossack system in front of the grave of our White Guard emigrants.
Reception at the President of Paraguay, Mario Abdo Benitez, confidential conversation and gratitude for our visit.
Hundreds of kilometers across the Chaksky desert and a concert without translators in front of a full audience of friendly spectators who, it seems, even sang along.
Forty-house heat and “Katyusha” in front of the monument to our heroes, erected in honor of the victory in the war for the country’s independence.
Also, we will never forget the local hospitality and national cuisine, meat, which was specially prepared for us by the best cook in South America.

South America, the heart of the continent. Perhaps now this is the farthest flag on our tour map. This cannot be forgotten. The state guard of honor and our Cossack system in front of the grave of our White Guard emigrants.
Reception at the President of Paraguay, Mario Abdo Benitez, confidential conversation and gratitude for our visit.
Hundreds of kilometers across the Chaksky desert and a concert without translators in front of a full audience of friendly spectators who, it seems, even sang along.
Forty-house heat and “Katyusha” in front of the monument to our heroes, erected in honor of the victory in the war for the country’s independence.
Also, we will never forget the local hospitality and national cuisine, meat, which was specially prepared for us by the best cook in South America.

South America, the heart of the continent. Perhaps now this is the farthest flag on our tour map. This cannot be forgotten. The state guard of honor and our Cossack system in front of the grave of our White Guard emigrants.
Reception at the President of Paraguay, Mario Abdo Benitez, confidential conversation and gratitude for our visit.
Hundreds of kilometers across the Chaksky desert and a concert without translators in front of a full audience of friendly spectators who, it seems, even sang along.
Forty-house heat and “Katyusha” in front of the monument to our heroes, erected in honor of the victory in the war for the country’s independence.
Also, we will never forget the local hospitality and national cuisine, meat, which was specially prepared for us by the best cook in South America.

South America, the heart of the continent. Perhaps now this is the farthest flag on our tour map. This cannot be forgotten. The state guard of honor and our Cossack system in front of the grave of our White Guard emigrants.
Reception at the President of Paraguay, Mario Abdo Benitez, confidential conversation and gratitude for our visit.
Hundreds of kilometers across the Chaksky desert and a concert without translators in front of a full audience of friendly spectators who, it seems, even sang along.
Forty-house heat and “Katyusha” in front of the monument to our heroes, erected in honor of the victory in the war for the country’s independence.
Also, we will never forget the local hospitality and national cuisine, meat, which was specially prepared for us by the best cook in South America.

South America, the heart of the continent. Perhaps now this is the farthest flag on our tour map. This cannot be forgotten. The state guard of honor and our Cossack system in front of the grave of our White Guard emigrants.
Reception at the President of Paraguay, Mario Abdo Benitez, confidential conversation and gratitude for our visit.
Hundreds of kilometers across the Chaksky desert and a concert without translators in front of a full audience of friendly spectators who, it seems, even sang along.
Forty-house heat and “Katyusha” in front of the monument to our heroes, erected in honor of the victory in the war for the country’s independence.
Also, we will never forget the local hospitality and national cuisine, meat, which was specially prepared for us by the best cook in South America.

South America, the heart of the continent. Perhaps now this is the farthest flag on our tour map. This cannot be forgotten. The state guard of honor and our Cossack system in front of the grave of our White Guard emigrants.
Reception at the President of Paraguay, Mario Abdo Benitez, confidential conversation and gratitude for our visit.
Hundreds of kilometers across the Chaksky desert and a concert without translators in front of a full audience of friendly spectators who, it seems, even sang along.
Forty-house heat and “Katyusha” in front of the monument to our heroes, erected in honor of the victory in the war for the country’s independence.
Also, we will never forget the local hospitality and national cuisine, meat, which was specially prepared for us by the best cook in South America.





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